Thank you so much for choosing MVCN sports! We are happy to welcome you and your family to our Sports programs. Our goal with MVCN sports is to provide a Christian sports environment that nurtures both the body and soul by promoting teamwork, sportsmanship, and the Gospel of Christ through sports.
Our Youth Leagues:
Ages 4-6
This is an instructional league intended to teach the basic fundamentals of the game. Games will be played on a full-sized court. Rules will be explained on an instructional level. Score will be kept, and every child will play. There will be 8 season games and practices will be held 30-minutes prior to the game.
Ages 7-9 and Ages 10-12
Games are played on full size court. This league will teach more in-depth skills such as team offense and defense. There will be 8 season games and rules will be enforced. Teams will practice one night per week. Score will be kept, and every child will play.
Ages 13-15
This division enforces teamwork and teaches full offensive and defensive plays and game strategy. Games are played on full sized court. Teams will play 8 season games and practice once per week. Rules will be strictly enforced and all players will play.
This is an instructional league intended to teach the basic fundamentals of the game. Games will be played on a full-sized court. Rules will be explained on an instructional level. Score will be kept, and every child will play. There will be 8 season games and practices will be held 30-minutes prior to the game.
Ages 7-9 and Ages 10-12
Games are played on full size court. This league will teach more in-depth skills such as team offense and defense. There will be 8 season games and rules will be enforced. Teams will practice one night per week. Score will be kept, and every child will play.
Ages 13-15
This division enforces teamwork and teaches full offensive and defensive plays and game strategy. Games are played on full sized court. Teams will play 8 season games and practice once per week. Rules will be strictly enforced and all players will play.
Ages 4-12 Years Old.
Cheerleaders will practice once a week and cheer at one game per week. There are a total of seven games throughout the basketball season. We are excited to introduce our new cheerleading director, Theresa Reeves!
Cheerleaders will practice once a week and cheer at one game per week. There are a total of seven games throughout the basketball season. We are excited to introduce our new cheerleading director, Theresa Reeves!
Ages 4-6
This is a co-ed instructional league intended to teach the basic fundamentals of the game of baseball. Rules will be explained and enforced on an instructional level. Score will be kept, and every child will play. Teams will practice one night a week and will play one game per week. Teams will practice Monday or Tuesday night. Games will be played Thursday or Friday night.
Player evaluations will be held on the mission field, typically in February and games begin in March.
Registration is $50 which includes a uniform top, a hat, and a trophy. 15% discount is applied to families of 2 or more.
This is a co-ed instructional league intended to teach the basic fundamentals of the game of baseball. Rules will be explained and enforced on an instructional level. Score will be kept, and every child will play. Teams will practice one night a week and will play one game per week. Teams will practice Monday or Tuesday night. Games will be played Thursday or Friday night.
Player evaluations will be held on the mission field, typically in February and games begin in March.
Registration is $50 which includes a uniform top, a hat, and a trophy. 15% discount is applied to families of 2 or more.
Spring & Fall Soccer
Spring Season will begin the last week of March and conclude in the last week of May.
Fall Season will begin Mid-August and conclude in Mid-October.
Soccer Tots (Ages 2-3)
Soccer tots is a new program you do not want to miss! We did our first program last year and man did we have fun! This division is very laid back. Very basic skills are introduced such as kicking and passing. This program will consist of 6 games played on Saturday mornings. There will be a brief 10-15 minute practice followed by 10-15-minute game. There will be a running clock for tot games and rules are not strictly enforced. The sole purpose of this league is to introduce the game of soccer and for the kids and parents to have fun!
Ages 4-6 Years Old
This is an instructional league intended to teach the basic fundamentals of the game. Rules will be explained on an instructional level. Score will be kept, and every child will play. There will be 7 season games and one practice per week.
Ages 7-10 Years Old
Games are played on full size field. This league will teach more in-depth skills such as team offense and defensive. There will be 7 season games and rules will be enforced. Score will be kept, and every child will play.
Ages 11-15 Years Old
This division enforces teamwork and teaches full offensive and defensive plays and game strategy. Games are played on full sized field. Participants will play with full sized ball. Teams will play 7 season games and practice once per week. Rules will be strictly enforced, and all players will play.
Registration costs:
Ages 4-15: $50
Soccer Tots (Ages 2-3): $35
Families of 2 players or more will receive a 20% discount
You can pay now via Credit Card when you register or you can chose the Pay Later option and pay cash or check in person. Family discount is automatically applied when you go to pay for the entire transaction.
Registration includes Jersey Top, socks (4-15 year olds only)
Fall Season will begin Mid-August and conclude in Mid-October.
Soccer Tots (Ages 2-3)
Soccer tots is a new program you do not want to miss! We did our first program last year and man did we have fun! This division is very laid back. Very basic skills are introduced such as kicking and passing. This program will consist of 6 games played on Saturday mornings. There will be a brief 10-15 minute practice followed by 10-15-minute game. There will be a running clock for tot games and rules are not strictly enforced. The sole purpose of this league is to introduce the game of soccer and for the kids and parents to have fun!
Ages 4-6 Years Old
This is an instructional league intended to teach the basic fundamentals of the game. Rules will be explained on an instructional level. Score will be kept, and every child will play. There will be 7 season games and one practice per week.
Ages 7-10 Years Old
Games are played on full size field. This league will teach more in-depth skills such as team offense and defensive. There will be 7 season games and rules will be enforced. Score will be kept, and every child will play.
Ages 11-15 Years Old
This division enforces teamwork and teaches full offensive and defensive plays and game strategy. Games are played on full sized field. Participants will play with full sized ball. Teams will play 7 season games and practice once per week. Rules will be strictly enforced, and all players will play.
Registration costs:
Ages 4-15: $50
Soccer Tots (Ages 2-3): $35
Families of 2 players or more will receive a 20% discount
You can pay now via Credit Card when you register or you can chose the Pay Later option and pay cash or check in person. Family discount is automatically applied when you go to pay for the entire transaction.
Registration includes Jersey Top, socks (4-15 year olds only)
Thank you again for choosing MVCN sports, we are looking forward to another great season of
Bringing Christ and People Together, one game at a time!

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You can get announcements and details on our Facebook page.
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If you just have general questions that aren’t covered here you may fill out the form below.
Or feel free to email us at Sports@mvnazarene.org and we’ll get back to you.
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If you just have general questions that aren’t covered here you may fill out the form below.
Or feel free to email us at Sports@mvnazarene.org and we’ll get back to you.