Our Mission

Bringing Christ & People Together

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prayer request

Whatever your need, our team is here for you. Let us know how we can best care for you or your loved one on the form below.

Ways to connect and be engaged in our local church and online community

Midland Valley Community streams live to website, app, YouTube, and Facebook

Want to view our LIVE SERVICE and chat with a pastor or online host?  You can catch us on Sunday at 8:30 & 10:50 AM by clicking HERE.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel and ring the bell to receive notifications for when we're live! Want to watch on your Smart TV? Open the YouTube app and search for MVCN Media Ministry.
MVC FB:  Like and follow to our Facebook page to stay up-to-date with everything that's happening. Watch with friends and drop us a comment to let us know you're there!
MVC APP:  Visit Apple's App Store, Android's Play Store to download our App. Our App includes Live Streaming, Small Groups, Messaging, Calendar & Events, Sermons , Archives, & In-App Notifications.

Just want to view live service and no chatting you can download streaming app on Apple TV, Roku, & Amazon Fire TV